Lectin Foods to Avoid

Foods to avoid by category!

Refined, starchy foods Pasta, Rice, Potatoes, Potato chips, Milk, Bread, Tortillas, Pastries, Flour, Crackers, Cookies, Cereal

Dairy Non - Southern European Cow’s Milk, Products (these contain casein A - 1): Yogurt (including Greek yogurt), Ice cream, Frozen yogurt, Cheese: Ricotta, Cottage cheese

Sweeteners Sugar, Agave, Sweet One or Sunett (Acesulfame K), Splenda (Sucralose), NutraSweet (Aspartame), Sweet’n Low (Saccharin), Diet drinks, Maltodextrin

Vegetables and legumes Peas, Sugar snap peas Legumes* Green beansChickpeas* (including hummus) Soy TofuEdamame Soy protein Textured vegetable protein [TVP] Pea protein All beans, including sprouts All lentils *Vegans and vegetarians can have these legumes in Phase 2. but only if they are properly prepared in a pressure cooker.

Fruit (some are 'vegetables') Cucumbers Zucchini Pumpkins Squashes (any kind) Melons (any kind) Eggplant Tomatoes Bell peppers Chili peppers Goji berries

Certain nuts and seeds Sunflower Chia Peanuts Cashews

Grains Kefir Grains, Sprouted, Grains, Pseudo - Grains, and Grasses Wheat (pressure cooking does not remove lectins from any form of wheat)Einkorn wheat Kamut Oats (cannot pressure cook) Quinoa Rye (cannot pressure cook)Bulgur White rice Brown rice Wild rice Barley (cannot pressure Lectin Foods to Avoid.docx cook) Buckwheat Kashi SpeltCorn Corn products Cornstarch Corn syrup Popcorn Wheatgrass Barley grass

Certain oils Soy Grape seed Corn Peanut CottonseedSafflower Sunflower “Partially hydrogenated”Vegetable Canola